Saturday, 11 July 2009

Oops, I've done it again... and hypnotising a chicken

And now my "Cold Omelette" posting has upset. I seem to be getting terribly good at inadvertently Offending-People-By-Blog.

I think what it comes down to is that the "cold omelette" comment was actually made by more than one person, and they ALL now think I was referring to THEM as a "Grump". I wasn't. The post was a tongue-in-cheek reference to a dear friend, who, happily, got the joke. To anyone else who may have also called A's tortilla a "Cold omelette" (still naughty though), and who now feels to have come under a personal blog-attack, please don't.

I was only trying to be funny, m'Lud.

Anyway, am bored of cold omelette now. Changing the subject, I happened to walk in on a kids' TV programme earlier today, (in my fuzzy-headed state of hangover which comes of having a lovely mix of Hungarian, Swedish and Pakistani friends for dinner last night - by which I mean, they were at my table, not on my plate), and they were showing the viewers how to hypnotise a chicken with a piece of chalk drawn along the ground. This is very interesting indeed. And as luck would have it, I am on chicken-sitting duty this very day, as our neighbours have left their feathery-fowl in my now-hopefully-hypnotic care for a while. So that's what I'm off to do now. I DID text them first to ask permission (seems a bit impolite to hypnotise your neighbours chickens without asking first), and got two texts back - one saying "ha ha ha go for it" and the other saying "Hands Off My Chickens Loon". I shall register the first and ignore the second, since this is conflicting.

And anyway, who will ever know? Chickens are at a disadvantage, I imagine, when it comes to reporting unwanted hypnosis. I suppose they could do it via the medium of mime, but I don't much like their chances of getting their exact meaning across.

Anyway, so I am off NOW to try to hypnotise my first chicken.

Sometimes in life you find yourself saying things you never thought you would.


  1. You are just brilliant! Please, please keep it coming.

  2. Please, please, please feel free to arrive at the Martin Household unannouced at any time to try with our girls. Only request is that I may place bleachers at one end and sell tickets! Wonderful....

  3. Thank you both of you - very kind! But don't seem to be able to post a comment; the last few I've tried keep disappearing. Odd. Milly, your link reminded me how much I love Mrs Pepperpot. Up till 1 last night re-reading. Super stuff. Patrick, get the benchews out and tell you hens I'm on my way x

  4. WOW. HOW's that for a post with typos...
    Your hens
