Friday, 14 May 2010

Where have all the ridiculous things gone?

The problem with living fairly permanently in the firing line of someone else's hatred (actually, undeserved hatred - I can say that, can't I? It IS undeserved...) is that eventually it all begins to seep in.  And this can make you very tired indeed.

I miss irrepressible joy.

And since I am unlikely to be near my beautifully escapist boogie board for a while, I think perhaps to answer is to try and seek out the ridiculous, because it seems to me that when you feel like this, it stops finding YOU.

This is an old one, but it works every time.  Every time.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

I couldn't resist it...

Bringing back a positive note to the blog, after my slight diversion into diatribe...

It will also be a test as to whether R really does read my blog or not.

If he does, we will soon have A Conversation on Unnecessary Purchases Towards the End of the Month...

And if he doesn't, I shall just pop it up on the wall one day this week and say "What?  That old thing?"

I think I deserve it.

Keep Calm Gallery. Lots of fun to be had.