How on earth do you start a blog? I've been defiantly procrastinating for weeks and getting nowhere. I think I’m finding it difficult to be honest about why I really want this blog project, and R has assured me if I’m not going to be honest, there’s little point in doing it at all. (And I have to trust him, as Web Geek to my ignorance).
Soooooo, taking the proverbial bull by the horns, I’m doing it because I’m a bit bored. (If this were a self-help group, people would clap now…) I’m just a bit bored. Mentally, not time-wise. Time-wise, I’m utterly flat-out busy, most of the time, but my brain, like much of me these days, is rather under-exercised, and dulled by repetitive housewifely chores and the general mayhem of multitasking motherhood.
I really need to give it something to think about. I need to force it to ponder things other than Small Children And Housework becaaauuussse… if I don’t , my brain and I are going to spiral into the very pits of housewifely vacuity and in a few months time I’ll be smiling blandly and not knowing where Venezuela is.* We may speak of Nappy Brain in mock-horror tones, and as a concept it might very well sound amusing, but I’ve been doing this for four years and, for me, it is a real and present menace lurking just around the corner.
Hence all this. R has been very good in his assaults on my procrastination. Probably the biggest reason for my nerves is simply that I am pretty sure I have little of interest to say. But then, as he pointed out, with unusually kind reassurance, this could be a way of forcing myself to rectify that, in my own mind at least. I suppose, in any case, lots of people have Nothing To Say, but still manage to say it with surprising loquacity. My second worry was that it could all be just a bit self-indulgent, a mere extension of vanity publishing, which again he has deftly rebutted with refreshingly male “So bloody what?”. I do suppose, then, if you’re not actually forcing anyone to read your blog, it doesn’t really matter. But it’s taken a while to get here.
So why else then? Well, I really do worry that motherhood (much as I have honestly come to love it) is making me a bit thick. And while I can sulkily reconcile myself with the fact that I going to get older, fatter, wrinklier, whatever, I do NOT want to get thicker, not ever.
Therefore, for me, trying to maintain a blog is all about reclaiming the tiniest bit of sanity as I used to know it.; about some kind of regular cerebral stimulation in the very few minutes of quiet anyone can hope for when living with perpetual-motion pre-schoolers. And maybe this will propel me towards some of all the fascinating stuff out there which I always seem to put after the daily mundanity and then never look at.
So. Six Seconds Of Sanity. Lets see, shall we?
* Note to R: before you get gleeful, I DO know where Venezuela is, thank you, I do have an opinion on Chavez and I could even give a good stab at its GDP, at the moment - I’m just talking about what MIGHT happen, soon. Just as an example. I know what you were thinking…
at last, not the only one 'running to waste' like uncle vanya!
ReplyDeleteBy this afternoon I was fed up, and washing up has officialy bought me out in a rash- either that or cillit bang ( bang and your skin is gone).
I cooked a casserole, played with girls, took them out to town, trailed round post office, superdrug and tesco like I was herding goats- bought a furbee in oxfam after much pleading and youngest heading determidly towards door with it tucked rugby ball fashion under one arm.. Went to library and read books through gritted teeth, hate those computerized book checkout things they have as kids pull card out and terrorize old people while I'm trying to get it to work.. What can be so pressing for librarians to do that they can't check out books- they don't even have to stamp them with a little date anymore ( which was my favourite job as a school monitor when I was 8)... Anyway, got home, cooked lunch , picked up all the bits of the games kids had scattered across floor- seriously regretted buying something that had lots of little letter cards in it - thinking it would be educational- most of it now under sofa. Played yet more games read books etc for an hour, put batteries in furbee - instantly regretted it, and gently asked my lovely children for 5 mins to myself to have a cup of tea before I had to schlep out to gymnastic class.. How ridiculous, 20 seconds of lying on the bed I had a frigging furbee stuck In my ear, two shrieking kids bouncing on the bed, cat sat on my chest and threatened to share fleas and someone phoned asking if I would be in a survey about toilet duck...
Just tell me when it's half past gin time ..